This recipe makes about 1 liter (just over a quart) of hummus. Make sure your blender is big enough before-hand, it is a full load for my 2 liter blender pitcher. June 13, 2008 I made over 4 gallons (about 13 batches) using this recipe for Bob and Kari's wedding. It went over well, and I have several gallons left over for personal consumption. The last batch I made, I used 7 monster garlic cloves and kept it for personal consumption. It is extremely good, however I have to trick Laura into eating some too or me and my breath get the boot until it wears off.
3 cups dry Garbanzos
2 t. Salt
2 t. Salt
Soak overnight in plenty of water. They will more than double in volume so be prepared container wise. Drain, rinse, cover with water again and add salt. Boil gently for 2-3 hours or until tender. (The rinsing process reduces flatulence for some.)
Add the following ingredients to the blend in order:
8 small-medium cloves of Garlic (8 large cloves is enough to cause an upset stomach)
Garbanzos from above, drained (or 5 cups of canned garbanzos, drained)
2.5 t. Salt
3/4 cup Olive Oil
1/2 cup Lemon Juice (fresh or from a bottle)
1 cup Water
Garbanzos from above, drained (or 5 cups of canned garbanzos, drained)
2.5 t. Salt
3/4 cup Olive Oil
1/2 cup Lemon Juice (fresh or from a bottle)
1 cup Water
Blend until smooth. Serve with a sprinkle of paprika.
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